

Who We Are
An alliance of people who care enough about the watershed that contains Cedar Grove that we have chosen to adopt it through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) since 1998. The EPA is leading an “Adopt Your Watershed” campaign to encourage citizens to protect pristine rivers such as the South Fork Kings. “Adoption” means any citizen based effort to restore or protect a watershed, river or lake.

How You Can Help!
Please join us in our efforts by volunteering to help with our activities, including: clean up events, promotion, fund raising, monitoring efforts, information sharing/websites, newsletters, and more…  You can also interact with us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/FOSFK).

If you just don’t have the time, donations can help us with our current “volunteer tee shirt project”, just make your tax-deductible check to help support our nonprofit efforts and mail it to:

“Friends of the South Fork Kings River”
5125 Linda Lou Drive
Carmichael, CA 95608

Thanks for your support in whatever way you can and want to help!